Saturday 23 April 2011

#4 James Root

James Root is the RHYTHM GUITARIST for SlipKnoT.
FACT: James is also in two side project bands with two different Slipknot members, Stone Sour with singer Corey Taylor, and The Rapists with guitarist Mick Thompson.
EQUIPMENT: Guitar. Custom fender Flat-Head Hardtale Ebony
Pick-Ups. EMG 81/60 combo
12 Degree Neck Radius
Knobs: 3 Way Toggle, Volume

specs at Fender Website

1.Korg Guitar tuner
2.Digitech Whammy 4 pedal
3.Digitech Tone Driver pedal
4.Dunlop Crybaby 530Q
5.Digitech Synth Wah pedal
6.Digitech Multi-chorus
7.Digitech Digidelay
8.Dunlop Auto QÊ pedal
9.Maxon AF-9 Audio Filter
10.Dunlop JH3S Jimi Hendrix Octave Fuzz
11.DigiTech SynthWah and Hyper Phaser
12.OD-9 Overdrive
13.Electro-Harmonix Small Stone

Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Supply
GCX Guitar Audio Switcher
MXR M-120 Auto Q

Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 6L6
Rivera Celestion G12T75-loaded K412 speaker cabinets
orange rockerverb 100 heads with orange 4x12 cabs

Ernie Ball strings (.011, .015, .018, .028, .038, .058)

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